Perhaps one of the easiest commitments to get of the ground is a website that collects comments and complaints from citizens and forwards it to the relevant public bodies. Even though internet penetration is currently very low in Tanzania (comparatively to the rest of East Africa), the decrease in bandwidth costs and increase in cheap mobile technology such as smartphones, will ensure that a significant number of Tanzanian's would make use of this service. In a speech given by the Chief Secretary Philemon Luhanjo during the opening of the OGP meeting between government and stakeholders the was launched. However despite being up for a few months, the Wananchi website now appears to be taken offline (Uhuru Blog has been checking since May 2012).

Therefore because of this disruption in service we rate this as a commitment not kept for the time being until this website is up and functioning properly.
Screenshot of the Wananchi website when functional

1 comment:

  1. The government is keen on lunching various projects without being prepared in terms of capable and competent workforce,the setting of wananchi website two years ago is the case in point.This is wastage of national resources and especially our money in the form of taxes.It's a shame really!.
